Wednesday, August 23, 2006

today home econs the roti john successful. my sister tried and she said it was nice. muahah Mrs Tan also said nice. but the first part we were screaming and shouting as we did everything wrongly. we didnt plan or even try lah. we are the best man lol.

my dad just talked to me. he told me about the situation in East Timor. and so i think he would go there. its better for him to help them than to stay at home and just work and doing nothing interesting. i duno when he's going anw. well its just a fact that i have to accept loh.

he just showed me and my sister the slide show that he made 2 years ago after he came back. now i feel better. my dad told me about their mission and what they did. they had peace for 3 years then they started fighting again. ass! because of that my dad has to go back now. can't they just have peace so that dad's don't have to leave. rage only harms you.

i think i will break down again today. the thought of it just makes me so stressed up in life. yesterday i even had a dream that made me even more stressed. i dream that vincent tan talked to me. VINCENT TAN! its stupid lah. i really could like see him talk to me. but he asked me nonsensical questions like "where's your mother", "how many sister you have" all those related to family. i was like first day you know me?! lol its a dream so everything can happen. i kinda hope it would never happen. cause talking to him would screw my life. ughh dun care about him anymore. but the dream made me realise he had more pimples and isn't that cute anymore with the pimples. i shall buy for him a facial wash for his birthday next year.


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